Founded in the year 2017 with the goal of bringing the same high caliber security technology and services to the Indian States as existed in Western Countries. Today, Techtronix stands as the area’s leading security systems integrator in the south.

As the proverbial “one-stop shop”, Techtronix. is the only area security systems integrator with the expertise to recommend, sell and service the entire spectrum of physical security products including Access Control System, CCTV, Fire Alarm System, Intrusion Alarm System and Metal Detectors.

The professional focus of our company is to assist our clients with confronting the broad range of physical security challenges that confront them each day. It is important to our clients that they can resolve their security challenges with just one call to one vendor, secure in the knowledge that they are being given the right information the first time. Towards that goal our continuing education program ensures that our technical personnel are certified and proficient with the hardware and systems we provide to our clients. Moreover, our philosophy is to share that knowledge directly with our clients by viewing each meeting as an opportunity to educate them, ensuring that they are aware of both the range of options and latest technology available.

The team of security professionals at Techtronix includes several technical personnel each possessing over years of experience in the physical security industry, and complemented by a highly-technical sales and estimating staff. Our clients can be assured that they are working with seasoned veterans who have experience in confronting and thwarting or mitigating the same security challenges they face.

Contact us today to learn how our team of experienced professionals can provide solutions to your security challenges and experience first-hand our level of commitment to our clients, the caliber of our technical skills and professional security recommendations, and our track record with regard to quality, timeliness and reliability.

Reliable Security Solutions

The best part of working with us is we are industrial experts and we expertise on aerial footage and drone shots. You will never stop getting amazed by the effort and the outcome.

Excellent Service Support

Everybody wants their body as clear as they could be. Here at Dronista We take care of quality seriously. We provide you with 4k video quality. Crystal clear, super smooth.

Budget Friendly

We care about your budget. No matter if you want industrial advertise or birthday party. We got you covered. We have packages that fits everyone’s need. Ready to go.

Speeded Work

Time is the money and we start the project on time and complete it before the deadline. You can get your project done lightning fast without any complain.

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